ALMONARD has excellence in providing huge Range of Wall / Pedestal / Table / Cabin Fans combined with Class & Style to cater needs of every home / workplace, so that there is breeze at every place & complete relaxation to the individual.

ALMONARD The in house manufacturing facility consisting of Modern Hi-Tech Machineries and continuous monitoring of Quality had made Almonard Fans one of the highest acceptable Product in today’s Market.

ALMONARD Products are combined with Quality & Performance to give trouble free operations for years to come.

Our Wall Fans are made to provide Air wall to Wall where larger Air Throw is required.

Our Pedestal Fans has independence in providing unique mobility, so as to carry the Fan at every corner of the Room as per the need and requirement.

Our Table Fan are a must where true portability is the need of an hour and can be carried away comfortably at various locations for individual needs.

Our Cabin Fans are Ideal where portability and high Air Flow is required with oscillation movement and at places where ceiling fan cannot be installed. Such Fans give good breeze at every corner.

ALMONARD Fans with smart oscillating Function and trouble free operation at various speed has occupied a unique place in millions of homes.

Wall Fan

Pedestal Fan

Table Fan

Cabin Fan